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Will your Washington County (PA) property taxes increase?

May 1, 2014

Washington County, Pennsylvania is conducting a reassessment of all the real property in the County. This is the first county-wide reassessment since 1981. The reassessment is being conducted by Tyler Technologies. Tyler Technologies is presently collecting the data to begin reassessment. You may see them in your area. You should receive notice from the County before they begin collecting in your area. You do not need to let them in your home. You should provide accurate information about general characteristics of your home such as the number of bedrooms, type of heating, age of the home, etc.

After Tyler Technologies collects information in your area, they will mail you a summary about your home. You should review this information and contact them if there are any mistakes.

Informal review meetings are scheduled to begin April, 2016. It is easier to correct mistakes at the beginning of the process.

The reassessment is planned to be revenue neutral. The real estate taxes overall should not increase. Individual taxes may increase, they may decrease or they may remain the same.

If you are not satisfied with your reassessment, we may be able to represent you in the appeal process. Please call Akman & Associates, PC at (724) 514-1001. We are conveniently located in Southpointe Complex, Canonsburg, PA.

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